Basic and Advanced
Aesthetic Training Videos

You will be watching our latest Training videos relating to how various non-surgical cosmetic treatments are performed and administered. These short training videos are meant to provide you with the latest information about techniques that are used to perform effective non-surgical aesthetic treatments such as Botox, dermal fillers, non-surgical nose job etc. You will also be able to have a glimpse of basic and advanced botox and dermal fillers training, non-surgical nose job training and other training sessions through our videos.

Non-surgical nose job for Asian-Oriental Patients

The non-surgical nose job is a highly demanded procedure among Asian patients but it requires professional expertise and experience to achieve best results.

Non-surgical nose job provides you with a non-surgical way to treat your minor nose imperfections. it is also known as 'lunch time nose job' as it only takes 15 - 20 minutes to complete. During the non-surgical nose job procedure, dermal fillers are injected in the areas of the nose that need correction. It is effective for correcting nose humps, bumps, building flat nasal bridge in Asian nose, crooked nose, nasal tip and other minor imperfection. Remember that it is not effective if you want to reduce your nose size.

Tired, Under Eye Circles | Tear Trough Treatment

Under eye circles (aka Tear Troughs) deepen with age. As the tear trough deepens the skin above it appears puffy and baggy.

Botox Treatment in the most common areas

Still the most popular injectable treatment in the U.K. and here are the most common areas treated.

Botox Treatment for Platysmal Neck Bands

The plastymal muscle fans from the chest, to the neck, onto the jawline. Often particularly strong in those who lift weights or regularly strain these muscles.

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